Who is going to pay for my child’s braces or my glasses? How can I insure my house against damage caused by natural phenomena? What happens if I unintentionally damage the property of others?
We would be happy to advise you on which insurance plans can provide coverage for the most applicable risks in your individual case. We always ensure your personal needs and individual lifestyle are taken into consideration: a good insurance package doesn’t just come off the shelf, it should be specially curated to suit your needs.
All residents of Switzerland are able to obtain basic health insurance to provide basic coverage for illness, accidents and pregnancy. A number of additional insurance plans with varying services are also available to supplement the coverage provided by basic healthcare. This is where we step in. We can provide you with an overview of the additional insurance plans that offer the services you require. Enabling you to get as much from your additional insurance as possible.
Life insurance can be taken out to provide supplementary private insurance to the coverage provided by OASI and pension schemes. By taking out life insurance, you are taking responsibility for yourself, your partner, your family or your business partner. You’ll be saving for old age, profiting from insurance coverage and gaining an additional tax benefit. Your beneficiaries will enjoy full insurance coverage from the outset in the case of death. Good yields can also be achieved as a result of preferential interest rates.
Disa sigurime jetësore është më mirë të lidhen në moshë të re ndërsa disa të tjera janë të përshtatshme për njerëzit më në moshë. Veç kësaj, ekziston edhe mundësia që sigurimi jetësor të shfrytëzohet si sigurues i detyrimeve financiare ose për të financuar shtëpinë private.
Ne ua themi me kënaqësi se cili sigurim është më i miri. Na lejoni të ju këshillojmë.
Do you want to use your car or motorbike on a daily basis without worrying about the financial implications of damage or accidents? Then we recommend taking out vehicle insurance. Vehicle liability insurance provides coverage in the case of claims for damages from third parties and is mandatory in Switzerland.
You also have the option to take out comprehensive insurance to cover any damages to your own car.
In addition to comprehensive insurance with partial or full coverage, a number of additional insurance plans can be taken out for your vehicle such as passenger accident insurance, parking damage insurance and glass insurance. In certain cases, it may be advisable to insure cases of gross negligence.
We would be happy to discuss your situation together with you and suggest an optimal insurance package. We can also provide advice on whether legal protection or bonus protection is best for your situation.
None of us want to think about it, but it can (unfortunately) happen to any of us: a fatal accident or serious illness. What would happen to my child who is still in school after an ill stroke of fate? To the mortgage that hasn’t been paid off in full? To my partner, who has to care for the children? Safeguard against the risk of being left with nothing. We can provide advice on the available options
If you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to lose or insure. That’s certainly true. But don’t make the mistake of undervaluing your property. It might not be worth insuring the furnishings from your student room, but after your university days, everything needs to be insured.
Home insurance covers damages to personal property in your household, such as furniture, technical appliances, clothes and sports equipment. It doesn’t matter whether these items are located in your house or if you were not at home or on holiday. The insurance provider will cover the financial loss. This also includes water and fire damage and damage caused by break-ins.
The premium for home insurance depends on the insured amount. This should roughly correspond to the amount you would have to pay out in order to replace the entire household in the case of total loss.
We can provide advice to ensure you are neither over nor underinsured.
In contrast to vehicle insurance, private liability insurance is not mandatory. It is, however, advisable, as damage to other’s property caused by yourself or another family member can occur quickly. And it can also be expensive.
Those with personal liability insurance are not required to pay for unintentional damage to the property of others.
Discuss your requirements with us. We would be happy to recommend an insurance plan for you on the basis of your personal requirements.
Were you involved in a traffic accident followed by a dispute about who was to blame? Have you received a warning regarding your child’s online activities? Do you have issues with your landlord? It’s often hard to assert your rights without the help of a lawyer. Without legal protection insurance, you’ll most likely need to weigh up whether the price of a lawyer is worth it. Legal expenses insurance provides you with legal assistance in all situations free of charge.
In addition to legal advice, legal expenses insurance also covers
There are a range of traffic and private law expenses insurance plans available. We would be happy to advise you on the best legal expenses insurance plan for your life situation.
Holidays are meant to be the best time of the year. Did you save up a large sum of money for your dream holiday, but get ill just before jetting off? Or did this happen to one of your travelling companions? Were you unable to travel and therefore also had to pay 100% cancellation fees? It’s a frustrating situation.
Travel cancellation insurance will cover any costs that arise due to cancellations or trip interruptions caused by illness, for example.
You can also take out additional accident, luggage and travel health insurance. These insurance plans can be taken out individually or as part of a package. Frequent travellers may also elect to take out annual insurance plans.
We would be happy to advise you on the best insurance plan for your travel situation.
If you are interested in working with us, we would be happy to discuss this with you personally in order to get to know you or your business. Our advice is provided on the basis of respect and trust, we will not force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. You should only work with us if our relationship has the right chemistry and you are impressed by our solutions.