Will I be able to maintain my standard of living when I’m old? Will I have enough money from my state and occupational pensions? Am I at risk of old-age poverty?
These are all important questions...and we can provide you with the answers.
Këto janë pyetje të rëndësishme... dhe ne do t`u japim përgjigjet.
1. State pension schemes in the form of old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI), disability insurance and supplementary benefits ensure you remain above the poverty line, guaranteeing your required living costs are provided.
2. Occupational pension schemes based on the Federal Law on Occupational Pension Plans and the Federal Law on Accident Insurance. The objective of these schemes is to ensure your current standard of living into old age.
3. Private pension schemes
You’re most likely of the opinion that state coverage is pretty good. Is it really necessary to also sign up for a private pension scheme?
You’re right: in principle, in Switzerland, the state fulfils all of your social obligations.
However, please keep in mind that state and occupational pension plans “only” provide 60 to 70% of your previous income. In certain cases this percentage may also be lower.
Therefore, you should – or rather, must – ask yourself: does two thirds of your previous salary suffice to maintain your standard of living? Every now and again you may also fancy treating yourself in your old age…
Private pension schemes are important to fill any gaps not covered by your other pension schemes. They also enable you to live out your hopes and dreams after retiring. Don’t pass up this golden opportunity. There are also tax benefits!